Más para explorar
Understanding the World of Wine
- De: Brian Wheaton
- Narrado por: Brian Wheaton
- Inglés
- Duración: 14 horas y 7 mins
- Grabación original
Gain the wine know-how you’ve always wanted in this comprehensive course. With thousands of wines on sale in the US today, choosing just the right one for each occasion can be a challenge even for the experienced. To help you master that challenge and deepen your appreciation of wine and its inexpressibly rich lore, Master of Wine Brian Wheaton recorded Understanding the World of Wine. Whether you're a seasoned oenophile or a beginner, you will discover new insights in this set of 36 easy-to-use audio lectures.
Le più belle chiese di Roma
- De: Dario Somigli
- Narrado por: Dario Somigli
- Italiano
- Duración: 1 h y 7 mins
- Versión íntegra
In questo audiolibro si va alla scoperta delle chiese più belle di Roma. Sono indicati gli indirizzi dove sono ubicate, i mezzi pubblici da prendere per raggiungerle, gli orari di apertura e chiusura, le liste dei grandi artisti e dei tesori che ogni chiesa contiene.Tutto questo con l'augurio di fare delle ottime passeggiate rigeneranti, fatte di pace e di cultura. Sarà un mio piacere particolare accompagnare personalmente tutti coloro che approfitteranno di questo audiolibro per farle.
- Esto es la Guía Oficial de Holiday FM de Bangkok
- De: Holiday FM
- Narrado por: Sarah Kerr
- Español (Castellano)
- Duración: 26 mins
- Versión íntegra
Bangkok. Esto es la Guía Oficial de Holiday FM de Bangkok. Bangkok es una de las ciudades más vibrantes y emocionantes en el mundo y con unas surgerencias buenas es fácil de evitar los sitios concurridos y simplemente aprovechar de los paisajes y sonidos exóticos. La primera regla es mantenerse fuera de las calles cuando sea posible. Bangkok esta construido sobre una red de canales y calles estrechas que a veces no aguantan la gran cantidad de trafico que pasa por la ciudad.
- De Usuario anónimo en 22-07-20
Audio Journeys: Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York
- De: Patricia L. Lawrence
- Narrado por: uncredited
- Inglés
- Duración: 28 mins
- Versión íntegra
Audio Journeys by Travel Radio International explores the 200-year-old village of Potsdam, New York, where Clarkson University was founded by two Clarkson sisters, to honor their brother who died young. Today, Clarkson is one of the world's leading electrical engineering universities. Nanotechnology is being developed and studied there.
Understanding the World of Wine
- De: Brian Wheaton
- Narrado por: Brian Wheaton
- Inglés
- Duración: 14 horas y 7 mins
- Grabación original
Gain the wine know-how you’ve always wanted in this comprehensive course. With thousands of wines on sale in the US today, choosing just the right one for each occasion can be a challenge even for the experienced. To help you master that challenge and deepen your appreciation of wine and its inexpressibly rich lore, Master of Wine Brian Wheaton recorded Understanding the World of Wine. Whether you're a seasoned oenophile or a beginner, you will discover new insights in this set of 36 easy-to-use audio lectures.
Le più belle chiese di Roma
- De: Dario Somigli
- Narrado por: Dario Somigli
- Italiano
- Duración: 1 h y 7 mins
- Versión íntegra
In questo audiolibro si va alla scoperta delle chiese più belle di Roma. Sono indicati gli indirizzi dove sono ubicate, i mezzi pubblici da prendere per raggiungerle, gli orari di apertura e chiusura, le liste dei grandi artisti e dei tesori che ogni chiesa contiene.Tutto questo con l'augurio di fare delle ottime passeggiate rigeneranti, fatte di pace e di cultura. Sarà un mio piacere particolare accompagnare personalmente tutti coloro che approfitteranno di questo audiolibro per farle.
- Esto es la Guía Oficial de Holiday FM de Bangkok
- De: Holiday FM
- Narrado por: Sarah Kerr
- Español (Castellano)
- Duración: 26 mins
- Versión íntegra
Bangkok. Esto es la Guía Oficial de Holiday FM de Bangkok. Bangkok es una de las ciudades más vibrantes y emocionantes en el mundo y con unas surgerencias buenas es fácil de evitar los sitios concurridos y simplemente aprovechar de los paisajes y sonidos exóticos. La primera regla es mantenerse fuera de las calles cuando sea posible. Bangkok esta construido sobre una red de canales y calles estrechas que a veces no aguantan la gran cantidad de trafico que pasa por la ciudad.
- De Usuario anónimo en 22-07-20
Audio Journeys: Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York
- De: Patricia L. Lawrence
- Narrado por: uncredited
- Inglés
- Duración: 28 mins
- Versión íntegra
Audio Journeys by Travel Radio International explores the 200-year-old village of Potsdam, New York, where Clarkson University was founded by two Clarkson sisters, to honor their brother who died young. Today, Clarkson is one of the world's leading electrical engineering universities. Nanotechnology is being developed and studied there.
Прага [Prague. Top 10]
- De: Vaclav Myslovich
- Narrado por: Eugene Tarasov
- Ruso
- Duración: 36 mins
- Versión íntegra
Если вы никогда не были в Праге, вы потеряли многое! Профессиональные дикторы, работавшие над аудиокнигой об этом неповторимом городе, даже интонацией своего голоса способны передать то, что не доступно глазу праздного туриста! Вы можете использовать её, как лучшего из гидов, или как дополнение к нему. А всё потому, что Пражский Град, Собор Святого Вита, Карлов мост, Староместская ратуша, Вышеград, Национальный музей, Пражский зоопарк, У Флеку, Необыкновенные музеи, Поющие фонтаны и многие другие достопримечательности в нашей аудиокниге описаны настолько подробно, что, не будучи художником, Ва…
The Secret Story of the Musée du Louvre
- De: Emmanuelle Iger
- Narrado por: Stuart Walker
- Inglés
- Duración: 2 horas y 9 mins
- Versión íntegra
The Louvre is one of the largest museums ever built, and it is the most visited in the world. It hosts some of the most revered masterpieces from all history; it was home to kings and emperors, and it sits on legendary surroundings. Its riches are literally inhexaustible. This audiobook is designed to prepare your visit with the necessary elements for depth and meaning. It provides an overview of the history of the Louvre, which is itself a summary of the history of France. Each collection is then analyzed, with a highlight on the most interesting works of art. Each one of them will be presented in an original way, to help you appreciate its genuine importance and get the most pleasurable experience.
Pamunkey Indian Museum
- King William Virginia
- De: Ms Patricia L Lawrence
- Narrado por: Mr. JD Streeter
- Inglés
- Duración: 27 mins
- Grabación original
Audio Journeys explore Pamunkey Indian Museum in King William, Virginia with basket weaver and curator, Joyce Palemoon Krigsvold. Pamunkey Indians now number one hundred people, of a once very large and powerful tribe on the east coast of USA since the Ice Age. Four hundred years of history across the Commonwealth of Virginia series.
The Secret Story of the Eiffel Tower
- De: Emmanuelle Iger
- Narrado por: Stuart Walker
- Inglés
- Duración: 1 h y 54 mins
- Versión íntegra
This incredible monument that became the symbol of a city, Paris, and of a country, France, has a fascinating history. The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. It was named after the engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, it was initially criticized by some of France's leading artists and intellectuals for its design, but has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognisable structures in the world.
Bol'shoj putevoditel' [The Big Guide]
- De: composite authors
- Narrado por: Maria Antonova
- Ruso
- Duración: 9 horas y 27 mins
- Versión íntegra
Segodnja slozhno najti cheloveka, kotoryj hotja by raz ne otpravljalsja v puteshestvie - bud'-to bjudzhetnyj otdyh v Krymu ili feshenebel'nyj kurort v Sredizemnom more. Kto-to bol'she, kto-to men'she, no puteshestvujut vse - a sobirajas' posetit' novuju stranu ili gorod, samym vernym resheniem budet kupit' putevoditel' i zaranee uznat', chto zhe vas zhdjot.
Putevoditel' Sochi [Sochi Guide]
- De: Dzheremi Klarks
- Narrado por: Svetlana Kamyshina
- Ruso
- Duración: 1 h y 14 mins
- Versión íntegra
Kogda by vy ni reshili poehat' otdyhat', pomnite, chto najti takoe zhe sochetanie morja, solnca i gor, kakoe mozhet predlozhit' Sochi, prakticheski nevozmozhno! S sem'ej ili druz'jami, v bol'shoj kompanii ili v odinochestve - v Sochi ehat' mozhno i nuzhno v ljubom sluchae. Jetot gorod - specializirovannyj kurort, kotoryj za mnogie gody svoej istorii nauchilsja prinimat' gostej i udivljat' ih. Blagodarja jetomu putevoditelju vy uznaete, bez poseshhenija kakih mest v Sochi nel'zja obojtis' ni odnomu turistu.
Colonial Williamsburg, Part II: Bruton Church to the Capitol
- De: Maureen Reigh Quinn
- Narrado por: Maureen Reigh Quinn
- Inglés
- Duración: 1 h y 42 mins
- Grabación original
In part two of our tour of Colonial Williamsburg, we step back in time once again to get a closer look at the picturesque town and the fascinating residents who lived and worked here. On this tour we leave the elegant mansions behind and visit with the merchants, the tradesmen, and the artisans who created the everyday fabric of this historic community. We're starting at one of the earliest churches in Virginia, Bruton Parish Church.
Audio Journeys: St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
- De: Patricia L. Lawrence
- Narrado por: uncredited
- Inglés
- Duración: 29 mins
- Grabación original
St. Croix is the largest of the three Caribbean islands in the US Virgin Islands. We go off the beaten path on horseback and in a boat.
Maple Syrup and Ice Hotel, Quebec City
- Audio Journeys Explores Quebec City in the Winter
- De: Patricia L. Lawrence
- Narrado por: Patricia L. Lawrence, J. D. Streeter
- Inglés
- Duración: 28 mins
- Versión íntegra
Its sugar bush time in the maple tree forests of Canada. In March and April the sap from the maple trees flow. This thin sticky sap becomes one of Canada's most popular exports, maple syrup. Audio Journeys are on the Kings Road east of Quebec City exploring a sugar stack that welcomes visitors year round to their outdoor recreation center. We visit the only Ice Hotel in North America - a chilling experience.
Audio Journeys: Pine Ridge Reservation South Dakota
- Land of the Oglala Sioux
- De: Ms Patricia L. Lawrence
- Narrado por: Mr J. D. Streeter
- Inglés
- Duración: 28 mins
- Grabación original
Oglala Sioux elder, Johnson Holy Rock speaks with Patricia Lawrence about the Black Hills of South Dakota and why the tribe will not cash the check the US Federal Government gave them to pay for their sacred mountains. And we speak with Chief Oliver Red Cloud, 85-year-old grandson of Chief Red Cloud, one of the signers of the Fort Laramie Treaty that granted the Black Hills to the Sioux Nation.
Audio Journeys: Mammoth Cave National Park, Louisville, Kentucky
- World's Longest Cave
- De: Ms Patricia L Lawrence
- Narrado por: Ms Patricia L Lawrence
- Inglés
- Duración: 28 mins
- Grabación original
Audio Journeys explore Mammoth Cave National Park, Louisville, Kentucky. Mammoth Cave is the world’s longest and most diverse cave system with over 350 surveyed miles. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Music by Jason Serfling.
Rock Art Ranch, Holbrook, Arizona
- Audio Journeys
- De: Patricia L. Lawrence
- Narrado por: Elliott Jones
- Inglés
- Duración: 28 mins
- Versión íntegra
Audio Journeys is in Holbrook, Arizona, exploring a private collection of pictographs and a museum of artifacts available only through private tours. The pictographs in the steep red rock canyons tell stories of an ancient way of life. We are with our Payson Adventures Guide.
Audio Journeys: The Roman City of Trier, Germany
- De: Patricia L. Lawrence
- Narrado por: uncredited
- Inglés
- Duración: 28 mins
- Versión íntegra
Audio Journeys by Travel Radio International explores the over 2,000-year-old city of Trier, Germany. The Porta Negra, or Black Gate, is a small piece of what remains of this ancient fortified Roman city. We explore the old city with a Historic Highlights of Germany guide.
Audio Guida Vienna (Spanish Edition)
- Spanische Version
- De: Johann Glanzer
- Narrado por: Gloria Diewald
- Español (Latino neutro)
- Duración: 2 horas y 9 mins
- Versión íntegra
Your Friend lo acompañará en su paseo por la ciudad de Viena. Con la ayuda de un aparato MP3 y unos auriculares usted obtendrá todas las informaciones acerca del centro de Viena.
Melk Abby on the Danube, Austria
- Audio Journeys - Europe’s Great Cultural Ensemble
- De: Patricia L. Lawrence
- Narrado por: J. D. Streeter
- Inglés
- Duración: 28 mins
- Grabación original
Audio Journeys explores Stift Melk Abby. This important bishopric was once a day’s horse ride from Vienna for the kings; today Melk Abby is a smooth overnight sail on a Viking River Cruise. Melk Abby, a very large UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, was not damaged during World War II. We are on a walking tour throughout the rooms and halls of the Abby.
Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
- Audio Journeys
- De: Patricia L. Lawrence
- Narrado por: Patricia L. Lawrence
- Inglés
- Duración: 28 mins
- Grabación original
The Rainbow Forest Museum is at the southern entrance to the park. Everywhere we walk, lying on the ground are sections of ancient trees that turned to brightly colored stone beginning 225 million years ago.