Más para explorar
- Seduttrice, conquistatrice, sovrana
- De: Franco Cardini
- Narrado por: Francesco Leonardo Fabbri
- Italiano (Estándar)
- Duración: 8 horas y 28 mins
- Versión íntegra
Istanbul, com'è stata chiamata fin dalla conquista ottomana del 1453, ma com'è denominata ufficialmente solo all'indomani della Prima guerra mondiale. "Nèa Ryme", Nuova Roma, secondo il suo nome ufficiale. Costantinopoli, il suo vero nome, da sempre e per sempre. Un nome che evoca immagini mirabili: il sogno dell'Oriente, le lontananze raggiungibili attraverso il Bosforo e l'Anatolia. Le moschee, gli harem, i sufi danzanti, gli aromi dei bazar. Da mezzo millennio l'Europa identifica in quella sola città il prezioso anello di congiunzione fra l'antichità perduta e la modernità.
Shadow of the Silk Road
- De: Colin Thubron
- Narrado por: Jonathan Keeble
- Inglés
- Duración: 13 horas y 52 mins
- Versión íntegra
Out of the heart of China into the mountains of Central Asia, across Northern Afghanistan and the plains of Iran into Kurdish Turkey, Colin Thubron undertakes a journey along the greatest land route on earth: the Silk Road. Travelling 7,000 miles in eight months, he traces the passage not only of trade and armies, but of ideas, religions and inventions.
El Desierto Verde de Marruecos (Narración en Castellano)
- De: Noelia Ferreiro
- Narrado por: Mercè Montalà
- Español (Castellano)
- Duración: 4 mins
- Versión íntegra
Exploramos la belleza del Pre-Sahara en el sur de Marruecos, encajonado entre los altos picos del Atlas y la inmensidad de arena.
The Nine Lives of Pakistan
- Dispatches from a Precarious State
- De: Declan Walsh
- Narrado por: Roger Clark
- Inglés
- Duración: 11 horas y 13 mins
- Versión íntegra
Declan Walsh is one of the New York Times's most distinguished international correspondents. His electrifying portrait of Pakistan over a tumultuous decade captures the sweep of this strange, wondrous, and benighted country through the dramatic lives of nine fascinating individuals. On assignment as the country careened between crises, Walsh traveled from the raucous port of Karachi to the salons of Lahore, and from Baluchistan to the mountains of Waziristan. He met a diverse cast of extraordinary Pakistanis....
- Seduttrice, conquistatrice, sovrana
- De: Franco Cardini
- Narrado por: Francesco Leonardo Fabbri
- Italiano (Estándar)
- Duración: 8 horas y 28 mins
- Versión íntegra
Istanbul, com'è stata chiamata fin dalla conquista ottomana del 1453, ma com'è denominata ufficialmente solo all'indomani della Prima guerra mondiale. "Nèa Ryme", Nuova Roma, secondo il suo nome ufficiale. Costantinopoli, il suo vero nome, da sempre e per sempre. Un nome che evoca immagini mirabili: il sogno dell'Oriente, le lontananze raggiungibili attraverso il Bosforo e l'Anatolia. Le moschee, gli harem, i sufi danzanti, gli aromi dei bazar. Da mezzo millennio l'Europa identifica in quella sola città il prezioso anello di congiunzione fra l'antichità perduta e la modernità.
Shadow of the Silk Road
- De: Colin Thubron
- Narrado por: Jonathan Keeble
- Inglés
- Duración: 13 horas y 52 mins
- Versión íntegra
Out of the heart of China into the mountains of Central Asia, across Northern Afghanistan and the plains of Iran into Kurdish Turkey, Colin Thubron undertakes a journey along the greatest land route on earth: the Silk Road. Travelling 7,000 miles in eight months, he traces the passage not only of trade and armies, but of ideas, religions and inventions.
El Desierto Verde de Marruecos (Narración en Castellano)
- De: Noelia Ferreiro
- Narrado por: Mercè Montalà
- Español (Castellano)
- Duración: 4 mins
- Versión íntegra
Exploramos la belleza del Pre-Sahara en el sur de Marruecos, encajonado entre los altos picos del Atlas y la inmensidad de arena.
The Nine Lives of Pakistan
- Dispatches from a Precarious State
- De: Declan Walsh
- Narrado por: Roger Clark
- Inglés
- Duración: 11 horas y 13 mins
- Versión íntegra
Declan Walsh is one of the New York Times's most distinguished international correspondents. His electrifying portrait of Pakistan over a tumultuous decade captures the sweep of this strange, wondrous, and benighted country through the dramatic lives of nine fascinating individuals. On assignment as the country careened between crises, Walsh traveled from the raucous port of Karachi to the salons of Lahore, and from Baluchistan to the mountains of Waziristan. He met a diverse cast of extraordinary Pakistanis....
Iranian Rappers and Persian Porn
- A Hitchhiker's Adventures in the New Iran
- De: Jamie Maslin
- Narrado por: Stephen Hoye
- Inglés
- Duración: 8 horas y 58 mins
- Versión íntegra
When Jamie Maslin decides to hitchhike the entire length of the Silk Road, he decides to travel first and plan later. Then, unexpectedly stranded in Iran - a country he's only read about in newspapers - he wonders whether he'll make it out alive. After crossing the border on foot from Turkey, Maslin finds himself suddenly plunged into the subversive, contradictory world of Iranian subculture, where he is embraced by locals who are happy to show him the true Iran as they see it....
Santa Sofia Istanbul Turchia
- De: Sergey Ivanov
- Narrado por: Clarissa Stefanì
- Italiano
- Duración: 43 mins
- Versión íntegra
L'audioguida racconta la storia, descrive l'architettura e riporta fatti interessanti sulla basilica di Santa Sofia, il più grande monumento di epoca bizantina. Per 916 anni la basilica fu cristiana, poi per 481 anni musulmana. Nel 1934 è diventata un museo. Per 900 anni, fino alla costruzione del Duomo di Firenze nel 1436, non ebbe eguali per quanto riguardava l'altezza dei suoi ambienti interni. L'audioguida è stata realizzata da professionisti nel campo della storia e dell'arte.
Turkey - Culture Smart!
- The Essential Guide to Customs and Culture
- De: Charlotte McPherson
- Narrado por: Peter Noble
- Inglés
- Duración: 3 horas y 58 mins
- Versión íntegra
This new, updated edition of Culture Smart! Turkey reveals a nation in transition. Over the last two decades, living conditions have improved greatly and Turkey is now classified as a developed country with an emerging market economy. Viewed by many as a model for outward-looking Islam, it is a country with laws to protect against religious paternalism, where restaurants are open during the fast of Ramadan, and where headscarves or no scarves can be worn in universities, schools, and public offices.
Authentic Turkish experience
- De Laura Royo en 01-04-23
La frontera invisible
- Un viaje a Oriente
- De: Javier Reverte
- Narrado por: Jordi Salas
- Español (Castellano)
- Duración: 8 horas y 43 mins
- Versión íntegra
Javier Reverte escogió esa frontera vaporosa y vulnerable, la más antigua del mundo, para realizar su último viaje. Eligió como puerta de entrada Estambul y su magnífico estrecho del Bósforo para después adentrarse en tren hasta remotas tierras iraníes. El resultado es un recorrido hermoso y nostálgico que se detiene tanto en las páginas de la historia antigua—tras la fulgurante estela de Alejandro Magno—como de la contemporánea—las guerras y revoluciones que marcaron el convulso siglo XX-.
All Strangers Are Kin
- Adventures in Arabic and the Arab World
- De: Zora O'Neill
- Narrado por: Julia Farhat, Zora O'Neill
- Inglés
- Duración: 11 horas y 44 mins
- Versión íntegra
If you’ve ever studied a foreign language, you know what happens when you first truly and clearly communicate. As Zora O’Neill recalls, you feel like a magician. If that foreign language is Arabic, you just might feel like a wizard. Join O’Neill for a grand tour through the Middle East, to laugh with her in Egypt, delight in the stories she passes on from the Gulf region, and find yourself transformed by her experiences in Lebanon and Morocco.
حول العالم في 22 يوما [Around the World in 22 Days]
- De: محمد المر
- Narrado por: جمال مرعي
- Árabe
- Duración: 8 horas y 2 mins
- Versión íntegra
إذا ما فتحنا ملف المشاهير في عوالم الأدب والفكر والثقافة والشعر والخط العربي واللوحات الفنية والمقتنيات التراثية والفنون بمختلف أشكالها فلن نجد أفضل من الأستاذ "محمد المر" كي نتحدث عنه فلقد وهبه الله قدرةً استثنائية على الخوض في مختلف المجالات والمسك بتلابيبها فهو أشبه بموسوعةٍ متنقلة باهتمامات لاحصرية أغلبها تصبُّ في التاريخ والفنون.
Rahasyamay Egyptcha Shodh [A Search in Secret Egypt]
- De: Paul Brunton
- Narrado por: Harsshit Abhiraj
- Inglés
- Duración: 13 horas y 19 mins
- Versión íntegra
1930 च्या काळात, पॉल ब्रन्टन यांनी इजिप्तमधील गूढांचा आणि यातुविद्येचा जो अनुभव घेतला, तो “”रहस्यमय इजिप्तचा शोध (अ सर्च इन सिक्रेट इजिप्त)”” या पुस्तकात ग्रथित आहे. इजिप्तमधील गूढात्मक मंदिरे आणि देवता यांचे आध्यात्मिक महत्त्व यांचा धांडोळा त्यांनी घेतला आहे. त्याचबरोबर ग्रेट पिरॅमिड या वास्तूच्या आत त्यांनी एकट्याने व्यतीत केलेली ज्ञानपूर्ण अनुभवाची आणि काहीशा भीतीची जी रात्र होती, तिचेही वर्णन या ग्रंथात आढळते.
A Country Between
- Making a Home Where Both Sides of Jerusalem Collide
- De: Stephanie Saldana
- Narrado por: Justine Eyre
- Inglés
- Duración: 8 horas y 2 mins
- Versión íntegra
When American writer Stephanie Saldana finds herself in an empty house at the beginning of Nablus Road, the dividing line between East and West Jerusalem, she is a new wife trying to navigate a fragile terrain, both within her marriage and throughout the country in which she has chosen to live. Pregnant with her first child, Stephanie struggles to protect her family, their faith, and herself from the cracks of Middle Eastern conflict that threaten to shatter the world around her.
Greater Than a Tourist - Israel
- 50 Travel Tips from a Local
- De: Lilia Gaufberg, Greater Than a Tourist
- Narrado por: Demetrius Mullen
- Inglés
- Duración: 29 mins
- Versión íntegra
Greater Than a Tourist - Israel, by Lilia Gaufberg, offers the inside scoop on what to experience while traveling in Israel. This audiobook will give you travel tips from someone who has lived at your next travel destination.
Rejse i faraonernes rige
- De: Arne Falk-Rønne
- Narrado por: Kaj V. Andersen
- Danés
- Duración: 10 horas y 37 mins
- Versión íntegra
Journalist og eventyrer Arne Falk-Rønne er rejst til faraoernes rige for med selvsyn at opleve befolkningen og er strejf af historiens vingesus som Egypten tog sig ud i 1970'erne. Arne Falk-Rønne (1920-1992) var en dansk forfatter, journalist, rejseleder og eventyrer. Han har udgivet både rejsehåndbøger og rejsebeskrivelser, og slog for alvor igennem internationalt med en række værker, hvor han følger i flere bibelske personers fodspor.
Du er Peter - en rejse i apostelen Peters fodspor
- De: Arne Falk-Rønne
- Narrado por: Arne Falk-Rønne
- Danés
- Duración: 10 horas y 55 mins
- Versión íntegra
"Den gamle sti har ført mig helt ned til Midal, der er nutidens navn for det gamle Magdala. En arabisk hyrde står mellem kvæget på den stenede græsslette og morer sig med fra tid til anden at kaste sten ud i Genezareth sø. Da han er blevet træt af dette tidsfordriv, går han et stykke op i terrænet, hvor han har anbragt en transistorradio. Han stiller ind på senderen i det jordanske Amman og klagende arabiske toner lyder ud over den stenede grund, der engang husede de boliger i Magdala, som Jesus og Peter og Maria Magdalene må have kendt så godt.
Greater than a Tourist - Jerusalem Israel: 50 Travel Tips from a Local
- De: Raquel Baccetto, Igor de Mattos, Greater Than a Tourist
- Narrado por: David Kleber
- Inglés
- Duración: 41 mins
- Versión íntegra
Are you excited about planning your next trip? Do you want to try something new? Would you like some guidance from a local? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this Greater Than a Tourist audiobook is for you. Greater than a Tourist - Jerusalem Israel: 50 Travel Tips from a Local by Raquel Baccetto and Igor de Mattos offers the inside scoop on Jerusalem. Travel like a local. Slow down, stay in one place, and get to know the people and culture. By the time you finish this audiobook, you will be eager and prepared to travel to your next destination.
Sig det til shah en
- En rejse i Persien
- De: Karl Johannes Eskelund
- Narrado por: Søren Elung Jensen
- Danés
- Duración: 3 horas y 55 mins
- Versión íntegra
Karl Eskelund og hans rejsemakker og hustru, Chi-Yun, drog i starten af 1960‘erne til Persien, som på det tidspunkt havde været regeret af en shah i 2500 år. Derfra beretter de om et land, hvor forskellige folkeslag, styreformer og religioner, gamle og nye traditioner stod overfor hinanden i skarp kontrast. Bogen giver et unikt indblik i det iranske samfund og dets kultur i årene før den islamiske revolution i 1979, der ikke bare afskaffede det 2500 år gamle monarki, men også gjorde op med tusindvis af kritikere og oldgamle traditioner. Karl Johannes Eskelund (1918-1972) var en dansk fo
Israel - Culture Smart!
- The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture
- De: Jeffrey Geri, Marian Lebor
- Narrado por: Charles Armstrong
- Inglés
- Duración: 3 horas y 28 mins
- Versión íntegra
While Israel is a modern and largely secular country, it is one steeped in biblical history - a place where religion still plays an active role in public life. In 70 years, it has grown from a sparsely populated strip of land into a vigorous democracy and regional superpower. Often called the Startup Nation, Israel is a world leader in a number of high-tech industries. Its democratic institutions, despite political and social polarization in recent years, are among the most enlightened in the world.
Palestinian Walks
- Forays into a Vanishing Landscape
- De: Raja Shehadeh
- Narrado por: Fajer Al-Kaisi
- Inglés
- Duración: 6 horas y 15 mins
- Versión íntegra
In this original and evocative book, we accompany Raja on six walks taken between 1978 and 2006. The earlier forays are peaceful affairs, allowing our guide to meditate at length on the character of his native land, a terrain of olive trees on terraced hillsides, luxuriant valleys carved by sacred springs, carpets of wild iris and hyacinth, and ancient monasteries built over 1,000 years ago. Shehadeh’s love for this magical place saturates his renderings of its history and topography.
Jerusalen esta llamando Peregrinaje a la Tierra Santa
- De: Robbie Freeman Shugart
- Narrado por: Claudia R. Barrett
- Español (Latino neutro)
- Duración: 3 horas y 46 mins
- Versión íntegra
En Jerusalen esta? llamando, Robbie Freeman Shugart comparte contigo su peregrinaje a la Tierra Santa. En el libro de Marcos, Jesu?s les dice a Sus disci?pulos que “vayan por todo el mundo y anuncien las buenas nuevas” acerca de lo que E?l hizo, y demostrar a otros, en Su nombre, los milagros, las sen?ales y maravillas que siguen a los creyentes.En Mateo, Jesu?s dice, “Pidan, y se les dara?; busquen, y encontrara?n; llamen, y se les abrira?”.