Born in 1934 on a farm in Alberta, to a mother and a father who treated me like a Prince all my life and to whom I owe everything. My last birthday was my ninety' th I started to write books in my 90 year, I am a slow starter. I thought it would be a good Idea to get a few people together to study the offer that God and Jesus are offering to all people. There is is no cost the price is not monetary, you have only to trust and believe. You may want to check it out. Born in 1934 on a farm in Alberta, to a mother and a father who treated me like a Prince all my life and to whom I owe everything. My last birthday was my ninety' th I started to write books in my 90 year, I am a slow starter. I thought it would be a good Idea to get a few people together to study the offer that God and Jesus are offering to all people. There is is no cost; the price is not monetary; you have only to trust and believe. You may want to check it out.
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